Any Questions?

Below I have listed some of the more common questions I am asked, if you are looking for the answer to a question not listed below please send me a message and I will be more than happy to answer.


Do you shoot destination weddings?

Yes, I am always happy to travel. Please get in touch via the "Contact" section and I can create a bespoke quote for you.

Will you take posed group photos?

Yes. I understand these are still important to some people. We will talk about how many, who is needed and at what point in the day you’d like these photos in the weeks beforehand, so that there aren’t any surprises.

How long do you stay on the day?

I normally cover from the morning bridal preparations through to just shortly after the first dance. But if you’d like me to stay after that, we can talk about tailroing your package.

At bridal prep I stay for around an hour, then I leave for the wedding venue. I like to be at the wedding venue at least an hour before the wedding to account for any potential traffic issues.

What camera do you use?

For the budding photographers among you, I choose to shoot with mirroless Fujifilm cameras. They’re lightweight, quiet and small, so I can be as discrete and agile as possible in getting those candid images. For the same reason, I turn the flash off (unless it’s absolutely essential). On the day I bring three or four of these cameras with me; this gives me creative options and saves the day if I anything goes wrong with one of them.

Can I order prints through you?

Yes you can, I provide your photos via a private digital gallery and prints can be ordered through the gallery.

Will I receive colour or black and white photos?

As I work through your images I make a decision based on each image to decide if the image will look best in colour or black and white.

Do you use a camera Flash?

For as much of the day as possible I do not use a flash. I feel the images simply look more real and natural without the use of a flash. Also I like to remain discrete and a flash going off is far from discreet. There are parts of the day that may need me to use one such as the first dance.

Do you have a Photography Contract?

Yes, to protect both you as my customer and myself I have a standard wedding photography contract.

What is your photo backup process?

On the wedding day all of the cameras that I use have duel memory card slots. This means that each photos taken is immediately backup in camera.

Once I am back home after your wedding the photos are backed up to 2 separate on site hard drives and 1 off site hard drive. To add a further level of protection the photos are also backed up to a separate cloud storage location.

This system offers the highest level or protection for your images. To date no images have been lost.

How many photos will I receive?

This comes down to your wedding and the number of photo worthy moments. The larger the wedding, the more going on over the day the more photos you will get. You will normally receive between 300 and 600 photos. The average is around 450 photos.